DOCTORS don’t even know! MILLIONS of people are swallowing VENOM-derived pharmaceuticals made from pit vipers, Gila monsters, leeches, rattlesnakes and DEATHSTALKER scorpions
(Natural News) Millions of Americans (and many more around the world) are swallowing pharmaceuticals made from venom peptides that come from pit vipers, rattlesnakes, toxic cone snails, leeches, Gila monster lizards and more. Drugs in development have been made from creatures like the Deathstalker scorpion or even vampire bats.
This realization is just hitting the consciousness of humanity and spreading like wildfire, initiated by Dr. Bryan Ardis and his controversial claim that covid-19 vaccines and treatments may be deliberately exposing people to venom-like peptides, whose toxic effects seem to strongly align with “vaccine” side effects and covid-19 treatment deaths.
Regardless of what people think about Ardis’ claims, his courage to step forward has set off a wave of journalistic research (in the indy media, anyway) about reptile venoms used in pharmaceuticals.
Venomtech and ToxinTech
Our own research has turned up two companies that are heavily involved in venom research for pharmaceutical companies: Venomtech (UK) ToxinTech (USA) Both of these companies have catalogued massive libraries of venoms from thousands of different animal species, and they license these venom libraries to drug companies for use in drug discovery. The goal is to turn these into high-profit prescription medications that people swallow in order to mask symptoms of disease. The Venomtech company has now been linked to Anthony Fauci’s “secret island” of inhumane medical experiments on monkeys and beagles via Charles River Laboratories, a pharmaceutical company that leased the island and runs it in the United States. See this breaking story for details: “Snake venom company Venomtech announces partnership with Charles River Laboratories, which ran Fauci’s “secret island” of medical experiments on monkeys and beagles.” This means that Venomtech is licensing its venom peptides library to the same pharmaceutical company that helped run the facilities in which Fauci’s evil “scientists” conducted cruel, inhuman medical experiments on monkeys and beagles. Fauci also ran cruel medical experiments on minority children in New York, as documented in RFK Jr’s book, “The Real Anthony Fauci.” It begs the question: Does Venomtech has any limits on who it will license its technology to? Would Venomtech license its library to a modern-day rendition of Dr. Josef Mengele? We are reaching out to Venomtech to ask this very question and will bring you their answer if they reply. In summary, does Venomtech support its customers using its venom peptides library to conduct cruel and inhumane medical experiments?
ToxinTech specializes in animal toxins for pharmaceutical development
The ToxinTech company, located in the United States, specializes in providing venom-based toxins / peptides for pharmaceutical research. From their home page: Designer Toxins are produced by a proprietary technology platform which generate thousands to millions of novel combinatorial variants of evolution-tested, target-biased animal toxins and a screening platform to isolate those hits that are active on the pharmaceutical targets of interest in their native cellular milieu or in a purified form. Designer Toxins can be employed to identify new hits or leads for drug development… Today, animal venom toxins are the source of a number of major medications, including first-in-class agents, with indications for a diverse range of diseases from cardiovascular disorders to metabolic and to chronic pain. Additionally venom toxins are the source of a number of diagnostic and drugcosmetic agents.

The ToxinTech company even seems to celebrate the fact that animal venoms can “kill prey in seconds” and can “target vital receptors key to neuromuscular, cardiovascular, hemostatic and other life functions.” The company also states that their venoms are “chemically stable” which means, of course, they don’t simply break down in water. Some scientifically illiterate influencers in the alt media have absurdly claimed that snake venom peptides would be destroyed in water. As usual, they have no clue what they are talking about. From the home page:

Millions of people are swallowing VENOM while being told by their doctors that it’s “medicine”
ToxinTech was founded by molecular biologist Zoltan Takacs, who holds a PhD in pharmacology (with additional research at Yale University) and is a recipient of the Columbia Earth Institute Fellowship and National Geographic Society’s Emerging Explorer awards. For the record, we are not ascribing any nefarious intent to Zoltan Takacs or ToxinTech.
No doubt Takacs is a brilliant researcher, and he has built a rather impressive venom modeling system known as “Designer Toxins.”
The reason we mention all this is to merely point out that animal venoms and toxins are routinely used in drug development by pharmaceutical companies.
The result is that millions of people are swallowing reptile venoms every day in America alone. In our view, these venoms mask symptoms of disease and allow drug companies to earn enormous profits while masking symptoms and avoiding the underlying causes of disease. For example, you can “treat” high blood pressure by slowly poisoning the heart with venom, causing blood pressure to fall and eliminating the symptom of “high blood pressure,” but this does not resolve the underlying issues of why a person has high blood pressure in the first place:
Obesity, dietary habits, lack of physical fitness, consumption of processed junk foods, etc. In this way, venombased pharmaceuticals may create the false impression that a disease condition is being “treated” when it’s actually just being covered up.
Yet this is the primary modus operandi of Big Pharma — masking symptoms for profit rather than empowering patients with solutions to resolve the underlying causes. (How many doctors tell their cancer patients to consume vitamin D? Almost zero…) Nevertheless, we welcome a response from ToxinTech and would even welcome an interview with Zoltan Takacs if he wishes to explain the applications of his toxin library and respond to any questions about the use of animal venoms in pharmaceuticals.
ToxinTech should note that we are high-IQ science-minded journalists, not the usual dumbed-down, scientifically-illiterate morons who populate the mainstream media. And we are open to explanations of truly therapeutic use of novel molecules, such as in treatments for chronic pain.
The list of pharmaceuticals derived from animal venom
ToxinTech provides a table of pharmaceuticals derived from animal venom. We have recreated the chart below, citing ToxinTech as the intermediary source, and also citing the original source which is: Takacs & Nathan (2014) Animal Venoms in Medicine.
In: Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 3rd ed, Vol 1. Elsevier, Academic Press, 52. Big Pharma’s drugs are derived from scorpions, Gila monsters, rattlesnakes, leeches, cone snails, pit vipers and other venom-producing animals: (feel free to share this infographic in your own stories or social media accounts)
Prialt drug, made from the Magical Cone Snail, warns about hallucinations, confusion, suicide and altered states of consciousness (but makes no mention of cone snail venom origins)
One drug derived from venom is called Prialt, made by TerSera therapeutics. You can see the drug’s marketing materials at There, the drug makes no mention of its venom origins.
There’s nothing about the Magical Cone Snail or venom origins. As required by drug regulators, however, the Prialt drug does reveal a shocking list of symptoms, including hallucinations (which must be what makes the cone snail “magical”):
PRIALT may cause serious side effects including psychiatric (mental) symptoms and problems thinking (confusion, memory problems, speech difficulties).
The doctor should be called immediately if, while taking PRIALT, you: – are confused or disoriented – are less alert – see or hear things that are not real (hallucinations) – have changes in mood or consciousness Your doctor may stop your treatment with PRIALT, give you other medicines, or require you to be hospitalized if you experience any of these symptoms. An intelligent person might think that if someone is “seeing or hearing things that are not real,” they must be watching CNN’s coverage of Ukraine.
But this can also be caused by Prialt, which warns that certain people should never take Prialt, including anyone who has, “a mental illness called psychosis (a loss of contact with reality, usually including delusions (false beliefs about what is taking place or who one is) or hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that aren’t real).” That would likely include all Democrats who think inflation is caused by Putin rather than the US Treasury’s money printing, but that’s a different story. “The most common side effects of PRIALT include dizziness, nausea, confusion and uncontrolled eye movements,” adds the Prialt website.
You can read the full insert sheet of the drug — containing truly shocking details — at this PDF document from the website.

In truth, the reason all these side effects are so severe is because Prialt is made from the neurotoxic venom of the Magical Cone Snail. If doctors (or patients) were aware of the drug’s origins, they might think twice about using it, or they might have a better clue about where the neurological side effects are coming from.
Clueless doctors blindly prescribe venom to patients, oblivious to where it comes from
The thing is, doctors have no idea they are prescribing venom to patients when they’re writing out medication prescriptions.
That’s because most doctors are shockingly isolated from the actual origins of the drugs they are pushing, so they may be directing their patients to take rattlesnake venom (or other toxins), having no idea whatsoever that they are actually dishing out reptilian venom peptides relabeled as FDA-approved medications.
Is it any surprise that the American Medical Association’s logo features a reptilian serpent encircling a staff of power? (Understand your symbols, folks. They are telling you everything right to your face…)
Sir Larry M. Swart
I believe our sovereign rights and freedoms are not to be decided by any globalist entity that plans to chip us, kill us, inject us and infest us, and murder or depopulate us as useless eaters.
We take our divine sovereignty and our diplomacy as god given, and will never be part of any experiment, medical, social or military, against our will nor will we accept responsibility in acceptance of globalist rules/regulations or mandates ordering us into their agenda.
We have chosen to be the counter side of the global experiment, and proudly give our status of well being every 3 years, proving the differences in equality between those acceptable to experimentation and us, THOSE THAT DO NOT CONSENT.
So now that you know there is a problem, what can you do about making sure that you can opt out of any more mandates, surveillane, social credit scores, bank lockouts, or climate lockdowns and microchipping etc.